Most little incidental knocks and dings actually happen out of the water so i've always been a big fan of board bags. I've had all sorts of covers over the years and this bag is pretty much perfect if used simply to cover up the boards and protect them during your day to day use and travel. Not as chunky and padded as the next level up covers but with more padding and protection than that offered by the lightweight fabric pull-overs, this bag is fairly well priced for what it offers and its intended use. Although not stated as intended for this particular application; I actually can fit 2 'relatively standard' width, thickness and length sized boards in each bag (one 7'0" bag fits a 7'2" gun and a 6'9" semi / the other a 6'7" bag fits a thicker 6'5" fixed single fin and a wider 6'0" fish) which is really handy. This may not work though if you are using this bag for high volume thicker fun boards which is actually what it is kinda for..., so use common sense and work through the measurements. I've found with the extra width offered by the bag, it opens up quite well and allows for a couple to fit in there, so that's how i use it mainly. The boards go from the rack at home, to the bag, to the surf, then the same in reverse. I tend to travel with them mainly inside the cars but they could easily strap down to the roof and be well protected as well if needed. The fin opening is perfect for my fixed glassed in single fin as well, again... that's kinda what this bag is…